If you ever had a dog you will understand how important these wonderful animals become to your family. They are not just a pet, but an individual family member. We have been blessed with two wonderful dogs. Skyler, a Doberman Pincher, our first dog who died 8 years ago, and Stella, who will be 5 on February 15.
Everyone always said, don’t buy a dog from a pet store. We even preached that tune until one day my oldest son Graham and I went up to our local pet store to have a look at some of the puppies. My daughter and I had previous seen a cute ball of fur and thought Graham should have a look to see if he liked the breed. It was a Maltese cross of some sort, cute as a button. We had a look, but decided we would keep looking for the breed we wanted; then we would contact a breeder, just as we did for our first dog. Just as we were going to leave we looked into another window that had been previously empty at my last visit, and we saw her. She was so little, 5 lbs and so cute, she was a cross between a Miniature Pincher and a Shih Tzu and had the markings, fur, and snout of a miniature pincher, but she had those big eyes and curly tail of a Shih Tzu; we were hooked. She was busy playing with her siblings and as they got tired she sat down and literally just fell over sound asleep. We knew right then that she was the one for us. A staff member took her out of her pen to let us hold her, wow, what an adorable dog. We went home to get my other two children and talk to my husband. Sure enough, someone else wanted to buy her while we were gone, but luckily I put down a deposit for her…she was going to be ours!
My son Braden and daughter Christina and I went back up to the store to get her. Both of my kids fell in love with her immediately and we proceeded to make the purchase and buy all the necessary equipment, foods, toys and paraphernalia. What a great day this was!! And that thing about not buying from a pet store….I would make an exception this time, for this particular pet store.
When we got her home our puppy was excited and nervous, we were all just as excited. We decided we needed to name her. Oh course my kids didn't like my choices of names and came up with a few of their own. One name both my boys thought of individually was “Stella”. I didn't really like it at first and thought we could come up with something better. A few minutes later my daughter came running home with some of the neighbours to show them our puppy, including Brenda, one of the mom’s. We asked Brenda what we should name the puppy; we did not mention any of our choices, and the first name Brenda mentioned was……”Stella”. What a coincidence....or was it? This had to be our puppy's name and it was perfect!
Original Oil
10" x 10" Gallery Wrapped
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